07-FEB-2012 Whether you want to call it a birthday of a comic strip or an anniversary, milestones seem to have hit my Twitter feed this week for some of my favorite webcomics.
CAPES ‘N BABES by Chris Flick
CAPES ‘N BABES is celebrating its 700th strip about an ornery werewolf and his friends. Creator Chris Flick is known to throw in cameos by people he encounters like myself and Stacy Korn from Comic Fusion. He knows how to make obscure vampire references for things so many people don’t remember like MOONLIGHT (hey, I used to watch that cheesy crap!).
SUBCULTURE by Kevin Freeman and Stan Yan
You know you’re one of ’em. That’s the motto of everyone at SUBCULTURE including myself. I’m honored to have guest written a few strips over the last year. Kevin and Stan know how to bring up topics of a geek’s everyday life not just cliches of boys who can’t talk to girls. It’s a robust cast of characters providing a variety of one-strip to multi-strip arcs. SUBCULTURE just celebrated its 4th anniversary.
One might consider BATTLEPUG an accidental webcomic. Mike Norton is a pug rescue advocate. He drew the Battlepug and barbarian as an iconic image for merchandise simply because it’s cool and people responded to it. But, the fans kept asking where they could actually find Battlepug. The comic hadn’t been invented at that point but luckily for us, Mike went ahead and began this epic adventure into webcomics. BATTLEPUG is one year old this week.