AMBER LOVE 12-AUG-2015 I tried to explain a few days how strange this process was of making my ebook into a hard copy because I started the self publishing process with this particular book by going to digital first (Kindle) and not working through the hard copy process until a couple weeks ago (CreateSpace). I got the proof and the book is now available.
CreateSpace has a one-click option to make the book available on Kindle markets so now there’s two version of the digital book on KDP because it bugged me that the cover art would be different. I actually like my original cover art from the ebook better. Going from KDP to CreateSpace, I couldn’t use that art. Going from CreateSpace to KDP, I could use the CreateSpace art. But, I think it’s pretty damn cool that I used one of my own sexy selfies for the cover art.
But that’s how it goes.
I only had one other problem and that’s the page numbering. For some reason I could not for the life of me get the page number to start several pages in after all the introduction and table of contents material. So the title page with the copyright notice is labeled as page one.
Weird again.
But it’s done!
Achievement unlocked. Huzzah to the Queen!

I also changed the listing from the “sex” categories to Self-Help > Communication because that’s really what this is about. It’s not about having sex. It’s about how to treat people online which then should be carried over into in-person connections.
I also would’ve liked photos inside the book, but again, I couldn’t figure this stuff in Scrivener no matter how many tutorials I read (most of them are for Mac versions anyway).
The price is higher than I expected. I think it’s because I have it printed as color since there are a couple pages with blue shaded background. I’m sure color adds a bit to that calculation.
If I ever have the extra money to have hard copies printed for my own stock to do signings or send them out as rewards, I would love to do that. Right now, the Patreon funds are only enough to gas up my car, but we are getting there. It’s building and that matters a lot. I am freaking out over zero paid work at the moment so I’m trying to do what I’m capable of handling in making AmberUnmasked and Vodka O’Clock worth the audience’s time and energy. The new posts by the contributors have helped a lot.
2 Comments on “Thirteen Lessons Learned…” is now available in print softcover
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I have the Kindle version. The book is fantastic, a must read.
Thank you! I write personal stuff all the time online, but it is such a different feeling having it collected into another format.