You may remember JEREMY HOLT from his past appearances on this podcast. His historical fiction about Harry Houdini and his son is compelling and driven through a more focused plot than any attempts to cover all aspects of Harry’s life. Read more…
Chris creates the comic ZOMBIE DICKHEADS and works in animation. I might need to apologize for all my giggling. The restaurant actually made proper sidecars so I was a pretty happy nerd. Read more…
REBECCA NAGEL and HANNAH BRANCATO are the founders of the organization FORCE: UPSETTING RAPE CULTURE which you may know from their viral parody against Victoria’s Secret when they spoofed the famous Pink brand with various “Consent” themed underwear. Read more…
Not too long, I had a lovely interview with LELA GWENN over a shitastic Skype connection where she talked about her bondage project on VODKA O’CLOCK podcast. Read more…