This was of course much smaller than something like Steampunk World’s Fair which takes up two hotels, but many of the people who were at the Goblin Market ballrooms are regular attendees of all the steamy and weird events in the New Jersey area. I guess the legend of the Jersey Devil has given us some validation that we are in fact, allowed to be as freaky and weird as we want in safe environments. Read more…
Not too long, I had a lovely interview with LELA GWENN over a shitastic Skype connection where she talked about her bondage project on VODKA O’CLOCK podcast. Read more…
It was an amazing way to celebrate the new location of COMIC FUSION in Flemington, New Jersey, by hosting the annual Free Comic Book Day with lots of comic book creators, cosplayers, a face painting artist, and all the volunteers. Read more…
This “BOMBSHELL WONDER WOMAN” costume is almost done. My deadline for this was Free Comic Book Day which will be May 4, 2013 at Comic Fusion in Flemington, NJ. Read more…