TWITTER DISCUSSION RECAP ABOUT SEXISM IN COMICS (TRIGGER WARNING) AMBER LOVE 24-APRIL-2015 If you actually take the interest in my work to read posts like this, I truly appreciate it. It’s an uphill battle. I don’t have female readership or listeners so that means I feel like I do a lot of interaction with men […] Read more…
When I agreed to take some firearm training, I knew it would be another opportunity to give some insights and encouragement about writing characters effectively. Read more…
The comic veteran attitude could use a big adjustment. Telling people how to fan is gatekeeping whether you want to admit it or not. Read more…
This is one of the comics that gave me a visceral reaction and caused my eyes to water. All it took was seeing different bodies and personalities. BITCH PLANET is title that I feel like was written after my personal memories and dreams were siphoned. Read more…