A request of comic publishers: please include everyone’s credits on listings
Please include everyone on the book for Comixology listings. Read more…
Some content is adult/nsfw. Browse responsibly.
Each contributor at AmberUnmasked is encouraged to share their own honest opinions. This is our tag for personal commentary on any subject.
Please include everyone on the book for Comixology listings. Read more…
TWITTER DISCUSSION RECAP ABOUT SEXISM IN COMICS (TRIGGER WARNING) AMBER LOVE 24-APRIL-2015 If you actually take the interest in my work to read posts like this, I truly appreciate it. It’s an uphill battle. I don’t have female readership or listeners so that means I feel like I do a lot of interaction with men […] Read more…
I found Perfect Victims. They’re all of a certain prime age and all thin and beautiful. They’re almost always white too. Read more…
When I agreed to take some firearm training, I knew it would be another opportunity to give some insights and encouragement about writing characters effectively. Read more…