But those precious times when a book flows so incredibly well from chapter to chapter, I’ve managed to read a whole novel in only a couple of days. This was the experience I had reading my friend Jennie Wood’s first YA novel, A BOY LIKE ME. Read more…
Some people have taken the initiative to set up a YouCaring page to raise the $17,000 for the funeral costs with any exceeding going to the families. Follow Twitter user @_peech for those details. Read more…
celebrating the diverse writings of LGBTQ New York Comic Con writers. Readers include Maria Burnham, Dylan Edwards, Amber Love, and Jennie Wood. A reception begins immediately following the convention at 7pm with the readings at 7:30pm. Read more…
I’m thrilled to welcome back to the show, JENNIE WOOD, the author of the graphic novel series FLUTTER and the YA novel A BOY LIKE ME. Read more…