Intersectional feminism including issues important to women, families, LGBTQIA, queer, trans and PoC; equality issues; healthcare; gender gap; hiring practices; sexism; misogyny.
New UK porn law bans all sorts of thing & seems to be written to exclude women, gay men, and the entire BDSM community. So, all you straight dudes – you can have your vanilla porn in the UK. Read more…
If you can’t respect the rules of how I share my content, then go away and don’t come back and find your jollies somewhere else on tumblr. Read more…
I guess this is the sort of post that people usually publish around New Year’s Eve. This is my “what I’m thankful for” post — sort of. Read more…
I was going to save all lists for the end of the year to do my usual “Favorite Things” recap. However, things have been so argumentative in the entertainment world that gender bias is a topic seen daily in emotionally charged status updates. Read more…