Intersectional feminism including issues important to women, families, LGBTQIA, queer, trans and PoC; equality issues; healthcare; gender gap; hiring practices; sexism; misogyny.
…when I reviewed a book that has a Latina protagonist in a story rife with ignoring rape culture impacts, I saw how ignored niche feminism is. Am I forbidden from socially discussing the flaws because I’m a white woman? Read more…
VODKA O’CLOCK 1509 ELSA S. HENRY AMBER LOVE 26-FEB-2015 Now you can sponsor Vodka O’Clock and through PATREON. Just go to to pledge as little as $1.00 per creation which could mean per Vodka O’Clock episode or through written content. ELSA S. HENRY is here on Vodka O’Clock for the first time to […] Read more…
If you backed the project through Kickstarter, you should have received the links to order through email or Kickstarter mail. That will have your code showing you were a backer. Read more…
GUN CLASS PART ONE – In the end, Larry gets a lot of credit for not being the apologist of law enforcement I expected him to be, nor did he push the NRA. Read more…