AMBER LOVE [UPDATED 12-AUG-2015] 03-SEPT-2014 I’m pleased to announce that my first book is available on Kindle. THIRTEEN LESSONS ABOUT CAM GIRLS – A SHORT MEMOIR, is exactly that; it’s a short memoir which is told entirely from my perspective about the glances I had at the web cam portion of the adult entertainment industry through attempting to create my own account on a popular cam website to dating a woman who was much more successful at it. THIRTEEN LESSONS is currently available in English only and through Amazon companies only at this time. The hard copy with brand new cover design (of me!) is available through CreateSpace or special ordered through booksellers now that there is an ISBN number.
I made a couple changes. The book is now listed under “Self Help > Communication & Social Skills” because I think that makes the most sense instead of “Sex” which is probably for “how to have sex” not for “how to talk to sexy people.”
The other change I made is the subtitle. From “A short memoir” to “A guide for interacting online” – again, because that was something I debated with originally and was never completely sure of.

“No fantasy, a realistic look at the profession from an insider who shares her lessons. A good read for anyone considering it, to learn how to behave if you’re a consumer of it, or if you’re just an outsider interested in how it works and how the performers feel about it. All in no-BS prose from a talented writer.” Thomas Pluck, author of Blades of Dishonor
“Interesting and intelligent look at the behind the scenes of the webcam girl industry. Highly recommended – there’s a lot going on right behind the view if the webcam!” James Hannon, author of Lost Boys of the Bronx: The Oral History of the Ducky Boys
“Wow — fascinating is the first word that comes to mind reading this raw glimpse behind the curtain at the life of a cam girl and the woman who loved her.” Janine Frederick, comic book writer
This memoir comes with a TRIGGER WARNING. I openly discuss creepy behavior and the vile rape culture that has propagated the world.
Though I’m sure it’s easy to for anyone who has been a fan of my writing, podcasting or cosplay to figure out who my ex-girlfriend is, I beg you with all seriousness, to please respect that I changed her name in the memoir. The details about our relationship are from only my point of view and with that, I am fully aware that every relationship has more than one side. Any emotional distance between us and the subject matter we disagree on, specifically BDSM subculture, are things I have voiced from my position as a vanilla outsider. I already gave her the book and know that she disagrees with how things are portrayed, but I want to respect her privacy and want all the readers to as well, which is why the name was changed for this book.
This is some of the most personal parts of my life that I’ve ever penned. It was easy to draft but painful to publish knowing that someone could be hurt by my words.
There’s an important life lesson in here for everyone: it is possible to love someone very much but not love them they way they need.

I also do not want to be compared to E.L. James author of Fifty Shades of Grey who is ridiculed for her complete misguided notions of the BDSM community and their relationships. First of all, this is nonfiction and I hope my grammar is superior even littered with profanities. As a former paramour, I believe I have better perspective than James. The bottom line is I recognize that pornographic photography, modeling and webcam entertainment are a type of kink which I welcome, but I am personally not interested in the fetish and BDSM lifestyles. Any mistakes in terminology are things I take responsibility for and welcome further insight. I listen to kink podcasts in order to educate myself so that I can remove some of the stigmas within my own mind. I’m not out to necessarily spread the knowledge since I’m not a professional sex educator. I recommend podcasts like PolyWeekly and Sex Nerd Sandra.
THIRTEEN LESSONS ABOUT CAM GIRLS went through many drafts over a one year period and the title changed numerous times. I was going to use the word “dating” in the title but since only a portion of the book is about dating a cam girl, I broadened the title to hopefully reflect that more ground is covered. There’s a lot of suggestions about how to behave in a chatroom and when you meet an adult performer in person. It became less and less about dating as I wrote more.
It’s a short memoir and therefore I have it priced at a mere $1.99 USD. It is self published because I don’t believe any agent or publisher would be interested in a memoir of roughly 25,500 words. Nonetheless, I felt strongly enough in my experience that it deserved a different medium than blog posts. The hard copy price is $19.99 and features new cover art of me on the front and back.
I am available for podcasts and interviews if anyone is so inclined. You can email me directly at amberlovescomics at You can keep up to date with my announcements on Twitter @elizabethamber (mainstream/general) and @ToplessAmber (mature).
nice article <3