AMBER LOVE 14-JULY-2016 To support this website, go to to add to the monthly tip jar. Dani Mathers was best known for being the 2015 Playboy Playmate of the Year. Now, she’s known for being a criminal who photographed a naked woman in a gym locker room without the woman’s consent and then POSTED it to Snapchat.

Dani Mathers gym photo from Snapchat; censored by Distracify.
If you didn’t know, you need consent to do that!
While things like “upskirt laws†have not completely caught up with technology and people feel that showing yourself in public means it’s a free-for-all; when a person is naked in a specific space that’s supposed to be SAFE for being naked like a gym’s shower room or sauna, why isn’t snapping a photo is criminal activity? It’s a misdemeanor in California.
Dani Mathers’ behavior is none other than women working FOR the patriarchy. As an adult model, she should understand better than anyone how important it is that a naked female body requires permission/consent in order to photograph and DISTRIBUTE said image. I guarantee that Mathers had to sign a ton of paperwork allowing Playboy to photograph her and distribute her own image. Mathers sexually violated that woman – plain and simple – the way men do to women all the time.
People chiming in on the Distractify post that seems to have broken the story, seem to be caught up on the fact that Mathers was body shaming the woman with her caption about not being able to “unsee†the naked (and not up to her beauty standards) woman. This story should not even be about body shaming. It should be about misogyny and consent.
Woman-on-woman misogyny is common. If you’re in the US then you know this if you’ve read even one article about the Republican or conservatively identified women that want to strip other women and the queer population of rights. Yes, there are plenty of women that hate other women.
If Mathers had any endorsement deals, they’d be cut off. If she had been crowned Miss America not Playmate of the Year, she’d be de-throned. But she’s in the adult biz and her entire career at this moment depends on appealing to cisgender heteronormative male gaze. Therefore, she thinks she has the right to project those beauty ideals onto other women.
Sorry, Dani, sit your ass down.
Besides Distractify, mainstream media tabloids like Daily Mirror and TMZ have covered the story. Shockingly, even Good Housekeeping. However, you’ll see the first thing people are griping about is the body shaming. Consent comes after.
“I just wanted to acknowledge a photo that I accidentally posted on Snapchat earlier today and let you guys know that that was absolutely wrong, and not what I meant to do. I have chosen to do what I do for a living because I love the female body and I know that body shaming is wrong and that’s not what I’m about, that’s not the type of person that I am. That photo was taken to be a personal conversation with a girlfriend, and because I am new to Snapchat, I didn’t realize that I had posted it and that was a huge mistake.” Apology transcript provided by GoodHousekeeping article.
Her “apology†is insincere at best. She says she “accidentally†posted to Snapchat and “not what she meant to do†and like countless politicians’ scandals, she’s claiming it was supposed to be a DM to a friend not a public post to Snapchat.
Is that entirely possible? Of course. Lots of us have posted to the wrong accounts before or accidentally texted the wrong person because we’re typing with one thumb. The problem with her apology is that she’s trying to make her “mistake†sound like it’s a problem with a learning curve. She claims to understand that because of her job, she knows body shaming is wrong, but she took out that camera AFTER the thoughts processed in her head that something was worthy of ridicule. Then she went and actively distributed the photo without consent.
Even if that was supposed to be a direct message to a friend, SHE DID NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO TAKE IT OR SEND IT TO ANYONE EVEN IN A DM! Mathers’ misogyny gives women a bad name and even more makes professionals in the adult industry look like they’re part of the “public health crisis” the Republicans would have you believe (see yesterday’s news about the GOP platform approving a new war on porn).

Mathers has since deleted her Twitter @DaniMathers, but she has a public page on Facebook. Before she deleted Twitter, Distractify captured these:
A lot of people, women. Body shaming is not okay, and is nothing to joke about… This was meant to be a part of a private conversation that
— Dani Mathers (@DaniMathers) July 14, 2016
Never should have happened. There are no words to describe how deeply sorry I am for hurting and offending you all. Women make my world go
— Dani Mathers (@DaniMathers) July 14, 2016
Around, I respect women, I surround myself with women and I completely understand the magnitude of this post. Please please please know
— Dani Mathers (@DaniMathers) July 14, 2016
How upset I am with myself and take my word that this won’t happen again.
All Mathers has addressed is the mocking and ridicule. NOT ONCE in her Snapchat apology does Mathers acknowledge that she did anything wrong except bodyshame! Daily Mail Online has the video:
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2 Comments on Playmate of the Year Dani Mathers violates consent, photographs naked woman at gym & distributes it
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A catty, dim-witted Playboy model? That’s rather shocking.