Geek Fights!

I had the pleasure of recording GEEK FIGHTS episode where five us from the nerd community whittled down a large selection of television shows to choose the Best Fantasy Show. Check out GEEK FIGHTS episode 14 to see where THE DRESDEN FILES compares to WAREHOUSE 13. Would the nostalgia for the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS cartoon […] Read more…

Tutorial: Black Cat

Notes on BLACK CAT costume: This was one of my first suits and went through several adjustments and upgrades. Eventually I decided I hated it and sold it. In the spring of 2010, I had received a commission project to make just the black suit part for someone else’s Black Cat. There’s such a huge […] Read more…

Tutorial: Red Rage Lantern, Dex-Starr

This was my first collaboration with Jill “the Nerdy Bird” Pantozzi. She had come up with her own original Red Lantern of the rage-filled space army of DC Comics. Jill had the brilliant idea to carry her own rage kitty, DEX-STARR which is a real character in the comic books. Dex became so popular that […] Read more…