Due to more complaints about my image galleries on FACEBOOK, I have decided to leave that “tool” of networking behind other than the very basics. I post AmberUnmasked and can inform the feed at twitter.com/elizabethamber which I encourage you to follow instead of Facebook. Maybe oil painted curves of a women who has never had plastic surgery is so tragically offensive that it needs to be shielded from young eyes who see “better” images on basic network television! All it does is instill the belief that I “need” to look like today’s actresses to be considered an object of beauty that is NOT offensive. Read more…
The ALTERNATIVE LIVING EXPO is a particular convention organized into several distinct categories of vendors and exhibitors for steampunk, goth, Renaissance and kink-friendly people. Read more…
Below are reasons why I hate GoDaddy and other venting about my bad week. However, things are back and I did have a few lovely things peppered in so let’s celebrate with some of my old pictures that were previously only available in the VIP area. Read more…
INTERVIEW with Kristy Guevara-Flanagan. I finally ask someone why Wonder Woman has never been a lesbian and why she’s considered superior to Barbie in role model status. New WONDER WOMAN documentary exploring the Amazon Princess and comic book superheroes. Read more…