Plans for Philly Comic Con this weekend
I’ll be attending Philadelphia Comic Con (aka Wizard World Philly) this weekend with the very talented SHAWN HARBIN. Read more…
Some content is adult/nsfw. Browse responsibly.
I’ll be attending Philadelphia Comic Con (aka Wizard World Philly) this weekend with the very talented SHAWN HARBIN. Read more…
Using any of these banners and links will click you through to the website which is full of gorgeous geeks, male and female! You’ll enjoy every glorious second of it. Read more…
Yesterday I featured an emotional story about a new artist to the comics scene who feels that her work was unjustly manipulated by BLUEWATER PRODUCTIONS. When LAURA GUZZO was hired by Bluewater, she was off-the-charts excited to land a deal to create the cover for the POLITICAL POWER: HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON one-shot biographical comic. The shine slowly tarnished over the eight-month period between when Guzzo was hired and when the comic hit shelves. Bluewater representative JEROME MAIDA was informed that I had questions and we began emailing in the middle of the night to get those questions answered. Read more…
Then the comic book arrived and Guzzo was horrified to see someone else’s digital tracing over her work. Read more…