These conventions are billed as “family friendly” with advertisements to “bring the kids” and “meet the stars.” Then you have sexy girls wearing skimpy outfits getting paid to provide a physical service. Huh? What is WIZARD ENTERTAINMENT thinking? I’ve heard many complaints about the skimpy costumes simply being worn around the con because of the presence of children; most of the complaints are by women. Read more…
Philly Comic Con was exhausting but that’s the sign of a great show. I heard several people grumble that there weren’t many costumers on the con floor. Well, if you’d been to our photoshoots you would have seen that on Saturday especially, there were a considerable amount of spandexclad heroes and villains. Read more…
Two fall premieres are catching my attention for the network lineups to come. NBC’s GRIMM and ABC’S ONCE UPON A TIME. Read more…
If a community can’t be supportive then I’m going to distance myself from that community, plain and simple. Read more…