Since I was quite young, I’ve been interested in sharks. I’m not sure why apex predators like sharks and big wild cats are more fascinating to me than something cute and benign like a clown fish, but they are. There are some unusual ways people can help save the shark populations that are so close to being wiped out. Drinking + Video Gaming! Read more…
Over the weekend, $147 was raised through my etsy shop for the Bonfils Blood Center in Aurora, Colorado following the tragic shootings of dozens of comic book fans. Read more…
After hearing the devastating news this morning about the massacre in Aurora, Colorado, a lot of people in the comics community asked what they could do to help. Thus, I announced that for this weekend 50% of my Etsy sales. Read more…
VODKA O’CLOCK ep 1221: Interviews with PR reps about organizing cosplay charity events. First is the Occupational Development Center in Lancaster, PA and then the Star Wars 501st. Read more…