This week’s alcohol-infused episode of VODKA O’CLOCK features a dynamic duo of incredible talent from the new Action Lab Entertainment imprint, Danger Zone. Brockton McKinney (writer) and Larkin Ford (artist) joined me in discussing their collaboration process for EHMM THEORY. Read more…
Just like last year, there’s a call out for everyone to come up with an original character and hashtag with #CreatorOwnedDay. Read more…
I still feel it necessary to explain to people that I’m not a gamer but I thoroughly enjoying taking a weekend or two each year to unwind doing something different from my usual routines. Dreamation provides opportunities to present, demo, or be a player for LARPs, RPGs, miniatures, board games, video games and everything else tabletop. Read more…
All in all, I enjoyed the event. The only real complaint I have was that it was somewhat difficult to find where and what events were if you didn’t already know. Read more…