Finding 4-color comic style influences on the #GoldenGlobes #RedCarpet

2015 GOLDEN GLOBE FASHIONS SPOT THE COMIC BOOK INFLUENCES AMBER LOVE 12-JAN-2015 I rarely watch awards shows, but yesterday I wanted to enjoy Twitter and was sick of the 24-hours of football talk. I saw that Tina Fey and Amy Poehler were hosting the Golden Globes last night and decided to get with the live tweeting. […] Read more…

VODKA O’CLOCK 1502 @SimonTheTam from @TheSlants talks racism, trademark, diversity, geek culture & the arts

SIMON TAM founded the “Chinatown Dance Rock” band called THE SLANTS talks about cultural privilege and appropriation in Asian-American music, arts, comic cons plus a ton of great discussion about intersectional social justice.  Read more…