Photos by Harmony Photo Pro, LLC
Location: Flemington, New Jersey 2009
Trevor Harmon was the first professional photographer I had the pleasure of shooting with and I seriously mean “pleasure.” He was fun and professional. We met at Comic Fusion and enjoyed the rather cold and windy but sunny weather hitting Flemington that day. I believe we shot this in March when things were still rather brisk. I learned things about my own abilities as model whenever I shot with Trevor, such as how impossible it is to hold an action pose and how I just don’t bend that way. Trevor and his family live in central New Jersey so if you are in need of photographer please contact him. He’s on Model Mayhem also. I posted my Rogue (X-Men) photoset in my special “exclusive” menu up at the top of the navigation because it’s my only professional set with that outfit and I think Trevor’s lighting techniques on that are killer.
Most awesome wonder woman and costume ever! Love this costume and look.