
AMBER LOVE 26-NOV-2014 It’s no secret that I do NOT like snow. It’s pretty to look at from inside a cozy room where I’m able to look at it out of a window. However, I have weather PTSD from enduring a lifetime of northeastern winters and Superstorm Sandy. I’m beyond over shitty weather. I still like the look of wintery pictures and I see a lot of models trot out into the snow and get beautiful pictures. They also have photographers that know what they’re doing. Anyway, I haven’t had a decent winter themed but risque picture for several years – back when I shot the Power Girl set for Cosplay Deviants. I tried another time but hated every single picture and deleted them. Last year someone said something to try and make the snow sound less evil. I know it can be quiet and romantic even feel distant from the world, but I require less things to be afraid like bad roads and losing power. But the sentiment stuck with me and as I said, I’m not nearly as stressed when I have no place to be and no reason to drive. The power flickered several times yesterday though and I was fortunate the work I had open didn’t get lost only corrupted but retrievable.

This time, I did it with my cell phone and self timer as I have been doing all year. The color adjustments were done in one click with CameraZoomFx too so I saved a lot of time editing. The watermarking app is different but again, it’s a cell phone app and much faster than importing to GIMP to create a watermark.

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3 Comments on ROMP IN THE SNOW (NSFW/PW)

  1. You are unbelievably beautiful!

    I’m sorry that some people don’t respect your rules and post stuff on tumblr. You share part of yourself with us in word and image … people should appreciate that.

  2. I still remember when you did that set on CosDev. And you looked great in that set, even if your were older than the other models on there. I know it has been years since you did that set, but no doubt you still look beautiful.

    And if you think that it’s hard after going through “Sandy”, I had a tornado hit the campus at APSU in Jan. 1999, just days before my 21st birthday. Now-a-days, I keep an eye on the weather when bad storms are coming this way.

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