Character: Star Sapphire/Carol Ferris
Publisher/Copyright: DC Comics
Costume debut: 2010 Comic Geek Speak Supershow, Reading, Pennsylvania

This costume actually only made it to the “mock up” stage which is where I create a suit out of scrap fabric to see how the construction will go and check the fitting. Since I was very dissatisfied with the color that this fabric was (problems with ordering online and not seeing it in person), I hadn’t intended on using it for a final piece.

I spent so many hours on ComicVine studying the images of Carol Ferris as Star Sapphire. I actually got to the point where I felt that the neon pink color of the spandex wasn’t all that far from Silver Age Green Lantern comics.

I also had issues with my tiara. I used a plain padded white headband from the bridal section of Michael’s; I had used marker to draw my cutting guide lines on the foamie. I cut out a piece from a foamie sheet in the desired shape. I covered the headpiece in the pink spandex and used a lot of clothes pins to hold it in place while letting the glue dry (it took days and I did small sections at a time, sometimes having to reapply more glue). But there was a problem: the marker lines were very visible through the spandex. I couldn’t tear it apart nor add another layer of spandex and expect it come out as a wearable piece. I settled for covering it in a glitter glue. Probably not the best solution but since the fabric was already MakeYouWantToPukePink, I figured what’s the big deal about glitter? I had basically designed a Barbie version of Star Sapphire, unintentionally.

I had documented the process of creating this costume at my HeroFashions blog from the shopping problems to decision making about which version of Star Sapphire to make. Here are some excerpts:

You’ll also notice the “fubar” of the neckline. Originally I thought that I could slip into the suit like a bathing suit and not need a zipper. I kept making the neckline bigger and bigger until it could fit over my hips and damned if it just wouldn’t work. So I was left with a ridiculously low neckline and a zipper in the back.

The collar is also pissing me off because the interfacing had been nicely stable or so I thought. But after putting it on a couple of times it just looks “limp.” I should have used foam inside it but I thought the interfacing looked fine before I attached it. Live and learn.

The best part of the suit is the mask which was made by the leather artisan “columbina” of Ravenwood Masks on You can find the link in my past Star Sapphire posts. She also made my Firestar mask if you’re curious.

The purple gloves came from a thrift store. Whenever you see something that you think might have a purpose somewhere down the line, just get it! The ring was made by a friend from one of my favorite go-to places for costuming. You can get the rings really easy now that DC released them as novelty items. Just ask your local comic shop.

I definitely don’t feel its worthy of NYCC.

Photos courtesy of

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