20151010 nycc daytwo (52)

AMBER LOVE 16-NOV-2015 It’s been a long time coming to schedule ERIC PALICKI for VODKA O’CLOCK and it finally came together. You can sponsor the show and the site at for as little as $1/week.

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We’ve been connected forever, it seems like, on Twitter so we made the IRL connection at New York Comic Con this year. Eric is closely connected with comic-making networks like Comix Tribe and Comixology. All of his self-published titles are available on Comixology: ORPHANS, RED ANGEL DRAGNET, and CORDUROY ROAD. Plus, he’s often a writer for anthologies.


Eric discussed the advantage of having ORPHANS #1 within a huge bundle sale at Comixology. It got the book sold to 5,000 people who might not have seen it otherwise.

Coming up for pre-order is Eric’s latest project, FAKE EMPIRE, a graphic novel to be published by Darby Pop under Magnetic Press. Vinnie Rico is the artist on the book with Fred Stresing on colors, Erica Schultz on lettering, and covers by Sina Grace. If you’re interested in the mystery of who killed the tooth fairy, be sure to ask your retailer.

We get to know about Eric’s family life including all about his cats.

“My dad was a very convincing fibber when we were growing up.” ~EP

Eric has a love of heroic characters and redemption stories.

“I was rooting for the zombies the first season because everyone was awful to each other.” ~EP

28:00m – NaNoWriMo – National Novel Writing Month

Eric once tried NaNoWriMo and the novel that it produced became some of the source material for his comic ORPHANS.

Hear about how hard it can be to be vegetarian at a comic con, finding vegan booze, and Amber’s hatred of salad.

Writers talking about cats even more? Yes, of course!

oliver in buggy

Can writers play in different genre and age grouping categories? I believe a creator can play in different playgrounds. If you wrote some LGBT erotica, you can also write children’s books. Why not? However, this is a highly debated topic and an article about it came out the day we recorded this episode.

What’s interesting about that article, which I didn’t read until after this recording, is that it quotes Chuck Wendig whom I reference as an example of someone successfully able to cross age categories and genre from YA to mature from urban fantasy/realism to science fiction.

“But ultimately, your goal is to link your name to an organic and dynamic brand that’s based on you and arouses a positive, emotional experience for your targeted readership–regardless of genre.” ~Kimberley Grabas, The Book Designer

Grabas then goes on to point out: “Momentum is your friend, and like it or not, sticking to one genre and writing books in a series (and releasing them back-to-back) is more lucrative, and builds a readership faster, than diversifying.”


Twitter, Instagram: @epalicki

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