Updates with new models and exciting news from Cosplay Deviants.

The newest set may break the internet. Fighter II is the delightful work of Cosplay Deviant model Chibi. I can’t tell you too much about her because her profile isn’t entirely in English. There are definite appeals to Asian culture and Chibi is a living kotaku dream.

One of our rare but always flirty and fun male models, Stiffun, brings something entertaining to the screen. His shoot titled “Sergeant” is a storyboard of action showcasing his lean muscles in suspenseful setting.

But now for the wickedly wild news: one of our beautiful models was featured in the back of the latest issue of Hack/Slash because of her portrayal of lead character Cassie. Aglaia Venus brought this great alternative to Cosplay Deviants’ anime-heavy galleries. Cassie is a girl that I can relate to so seeing Aglaia bring her to life is one of my favorite things to revisit at the galleries.
In other Hack/Slack news, if you haven’t been following the news of creator Tim Seeley and his comic, check out the article at Bloody Disgusting. Seeley took his comic from the delinquent Devils’ Due Publishing and jumped ship to land (hopefully comfortably) at Image Comics. DDP has a reputation for not paying their creators and Seeley had had enough. He not only left for a more reputable publishing house, but he took out a personal loan to pay those that DDP failed.