The Ultimate Comic Book And Trade Expo – Sunday
Kate traveled to Poughkeepise, NY to check out a new comic con. She said it has a lot of potential to be an excellent regional show after they work on some things. Read more…
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Kate traveled to Poughkeepise, NY to check out a new comic con. She said it has a lot of potential to be an excellent regional show after they work on some things. Read more…
Kate enjoyed her first visit to Garden State Comic Fest. She has feedback for different things fans examine when giving conventions a report card. Read more…
Amber attended one day of Deadly Ink’s Crime Academy. Vodka O’Clock video and lots of notes on the experience learning from authors Jane Cleland and Kathryn Johnson. Read more…
Have you ever wondered what goes into taking an game from being an idea to being published? James Hannon covers GenCon for AmberUnmasked once again. Read more…