
CGS Supershow – the spoiler ending

To quickly report, I had a fantastic time with everyone at CGSSS. I am however suffering from the con flu now. I’ll be back in bed shortly. Hopefully I’ll have some energy to edit the video clips this week. Thanks to everyone for all the organization, carpooling, karaoke, and fun! Facebook Gallery I still have […] Read more…

CGS Supershow – the Preface

Reading, PA, here I come! I’m about to embark on a journey across the vast state of Pennsylvania heading back towards my original home. Not quite as far as New Jersey, Reading is in the east side of nowhere. Luckily, I found someone to come and stay with Caico because I was a nervous wreck […] Read more…

The Success of being Re-Modeled

Previously I was able to post pictures of the cape and sash I had made for Marcel Lamont Walker as part of his design for the Re-Modeled Gala. The theme was “Bellydancing” and all the costumes had to be created from something besides raw bolts of fabric. All of the models bellydanced on the catwalk […] Read more…

Cowgirl Guns and Firestar

First of all, I owe another giant round of thanks to Dave Wachter and John Hudson for producing another epic photoshoot in the backwoods of Pennsylvania! Thank you, guys! We had a blast doing two totally different themes in one very long afternoon: Cowgirl and Firestar. Read more…