
Pittsburgh Filmmakers Images

I worked with two photographers simultaneously at Pittsburgh Filmmakers. It was more along the lines of a glamour style shoot with some dramatic lighting and scenery at times. Having two photographers means there are four sets all together for me to post: a “PG” and “R” set for each photographer. Bill Schmitt took the lead […] Read more…

New Firestar Images – 3 Galleries!

Over 100 new images of my FIRESTAR cosplay have been uploaded! There are 3 separate galleries so that viewers can choose of their own volition which gallery they want to see: EDIT – Due to the restrictions prohibiting me from using PayPal, the only people that can have access to the Restricted content must be artists […] Read more…

New Picnic Rogue Images Added

Please check out the latest public gallery of Picnic Rogue pictures featuring my homage to a certain X-Men comic book. To see the whole explanation, you can check this past post. Unfortunately, the pictures will not appear in the CosDev 2011 calendar. Read more…

Ravager Costume Commission

Although I have been terribly upset about missing Comic Con International in San Diego yet again, I have still managed to participate through my joint ventures with Jill the Nerdy Bird. Last year I helped her with creating the perfect Dexx Starr (Rage Kitty) which was brought up on stage by Dan DiDio. This year, Jill […] Read more…