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It’s become one of my favorite annual traditions to talk with Amanda Chatel about alternatives to Valentine’s Day.  However, love is not what’s on our minds these days. So I wrote out a list of Valentine’s alternatives below.
Currently, we are loving to hate Trump and the entire Republican Party, not to mention the Democrats who aren’t loyal to progressive issues. Our love to hate is vicious. Recently at Bustle, Amanda had an article called, “Five Ways to Fight for Women’s Rights Today.†She suggested donations, volunteering your time, learning the facts about the issues (because there’s a lot of crap out there), and be there for other people.
- Planned Parenthood
- Women’s Reproductive Rights Assistance Project
- The Center for Reproductive Rights
- National Organization for Women
- Mexican-American Legal Defense and Education Fund
- Lambda Legal
- Muslim Public Affairs Council
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Weller Center – serves 39 schools in PA and NJ to educate kids about health including sexual health
- Take of pick of any arts & entertainment or museum
Amanda has staunch relationship goals that require her sex partners or life partners to be engaged in the world and politics. You even get to hear about a sex dream with a certain GOP Senator! I cannot believe it was not with VP Biden. Tune in to find out.
A lot of our discussion revolves around the current GOP Administrations views on women, body autonomy, racism/sexism, and the general feeling that we’re all fucked. The leaders of the country seem unqualified for their jobs and if anyone else made the kinds of mistakes they do, you’d be sure to hear that they were fired.
Some references to follow along with our conversation:
Dr. Allen Frances is the psychologist who wrote part of the DSM (that giant book that defines illnesses) for version III (most recent is V). He claims that Trump does not meet the criteria for “narcissism” and is “just bad.” A lot of people on Twitter disagree. Another point of contention is that sociopathy and psychopathy have been rebranded with the more benign “antisocial personality disorder” (a larger broad category into which other things fall) which sounds more like someone who doesn’t like to talk at parties than someone who has no remorse when people die.
It is insulting to the mentally ill to confuse Trump’s day to day ups & downs with their profound suffering.
— Allen Frances (@AllenFrancesMD) February 4, 2017
Constantly saying Trump’s crazy wrong & misses point.
He doesn’t meet DSM Narcisssistic criteria(I wrote them).
Its worse-he’s bad,not mad.— Allen Frances (@AllenFrancesMD) January 30, 2017
However, Dr. Frances does find other faults with Trump if not NPD.
Trump is a con man & autocrat who may or may not believe his own lies.
We must repel his threat to democracy, not analyze his mental state.— Allen Frances (@AllenFrancesMD) February 6, 2017
You have take Dr. Frances’ professional opinion as a larger whole thought which is better spelled out his Psychology Today article than on Twitter:
“Trump’s consensus diagnosis among amateur, at-a-distance diagnosticians is Narcissistic Personality Disorder. They have reviewed the DSM definition (which I wrote) and found him to meet all the criteria: grandiose self-importance; preoccupations with being brilliant and successful; feeling special and having to hang out with special people; requiring constant admiration; feeling entitled; being exploitive; lacking empathy; being envious; and being arrogant. Bingo. Trump is all this in spades.
But they ignore the further requirement that is crucial in defining all mental disorders—the behaviors also must cause clinically significant distress or impairment.”
Frances, Allen, MD. “Trump Isn’t Crazy.” Psychology Today. Sussex Publishers, LLC, 31 Jan. 2017. Web. 06 Feb. 2017.
- @ananavarro – journalist
- Soraya Chemaly @schemaly – writer/columnist
- @JoyAnnReid – MSNBC commentator
- @elonjames – writer and host of TWIB (This Week in Blackness)
- @sarahkendzior – political commentator with supernatural accuracy at predictions
- Elliot Lusztig @ezlusztig – political commentator and no one knows how he gets his information
- @andreagrimes

- VEEP on HBO or Amazon
- Parks and Recreation on Netflix
- 30Rock on Netflix
- Scandal on ABC
- Madame Secretary on CBS
- Grace & Frankie on Netflix
- Leverage on Netflix
- Dietland by Sarai Walker [amazon_link asins=’0544704835′ template=’PriceLink’ store=’amberunmasked-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’3667d8f0-efa0-11e6-8062-f7ae96476360′] currently a book, soon to be a TV series
- Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood [amazon_link asins=’038549081X’ template=’PriceLink’ store=’amberunmasked-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’5c3ac52b-efa0-11e6-b14a-250548738a4f’] currently a book, soon to be a Netflix series
- Travel
- Get offline for as long as you need
- Lots of time with pets
- Read, read, read
- Boost awareness of organizations in need
- If you are outgoing, look up your local reps who will be running for office and volunteer for their campaigns
Since it can be hard for people with depression and anxiety to feel particularly romantic, here are some other things to consider celebrating that might be more in line with your current life situation.
Jan 25th
- St. Dwynwen’s Day – the Welsh patron saint of lovers and in particular, extra-marital lovers.
Feb 13th
- 1633 – Galileo arrived in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition; suggestions: visit planetariums, look at the night sky, buy jewelry or clothing with space themes
- 1881 – The feminist newspaper La Citoyenne is first published in Paris by the activist Hubertine Auclert. Her activism included demands for education and economic independence for women and the legalization of divorce.
- Birthday of badass actress Stockard Channing
- Celebrate the death of Cotton Mather, one of the primary leaders of the Salem Witch Trials.
- Feast day of Catherine of Ricci, Italian nun who had visions of Christ and claimed that she was married to him in this non-corporeal form. Anyone else would have been killed as a witch.
Feb 14th
- Anna Howard Shaw Day – just as Liz Lemon from 30Rock celebrated; she was an American suffragette, a doctor, and a minister
- The birthday in 1924 of Patricia Knatchbull, 2nd Countess Mountbatten of Burma who served in the Women’s Royal Naval Service, moved up ranks and fancy titles; eventually became Colonel-in-Chief of Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry and received the Canadian Meritorious Service Cross.
- The statehood days for Arizona and Oregon. Hey, if you’re into that, go travel to Arizona or Oregon.
Feb 15th
- Susan B. Anthony Day
- Candlemas or Lupercalia – in honor of Lupercus, the god of fertility and shepherds
- Also around this time is a Roman nine-day festival called Parentalia to honor ancestors; the final day is called Feralia, the ancient Roman festival celebrating the Manes (spirits of the dead)
Twitter @angrychatel
IG: @la_chatel
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