AMBER LOVE 11-OCT-2012 Today’s shorter episode of VODKA O’CLOCK is filled with impressive information from JOSEPH NAVARRO, an expert on non-verbal communication, cues, and body language. Joe came to the United States as a child without speaking any English and only had expressions to utilize to understand what people were saying. It’s more than body language; it involves your appearance, how you keep your environment, or your choice of color in decorating. Joe shares ideas on things crime writers should consider when describing behavior, reflexes, and interrogation rooms. Socially speaking, learn easy cues about when someone is merely waving or welcoming you into a conversation and when that conversation is over.
“Non-verbals is anything that communicates a message, a thought, a feeling, or an idea that is not a word.” ~JN
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Initially it was the television show LIE TO ME that got me interested in learning more about the science of non-verbal communication. In Navarro’s book WHAT EVERY BODY IS SAYING, he somewhat denounces LIE TO ME’S exaggerated use of body language which often took one body signal and sensationalized it instead of compounding signals from a subject to get the best read possible. Navarro’s excellence in this science led him to the FBI where he spent years as a counterintelligence special agent. Now he consults on corporate negotiations, authors books, conducts lectures for poker champions, and has a column in Psychology Today.
“What differentiates a Marlon Brando from many other actors is really their body language. You can watch all of the Brando movies with the sound off. At the end, it’s not like you won’t get the movie. You’ll get it. And the reason is the great body language.” ~JN
This is something great actors and great authors will need to tap in order to make a character believable.
“The key to a good observation is really to be non-intrusive so you don’t make eye contact. You learn to look globally without fixing on any one thing.” ~JN
In as little as a quarter of a second, one person transmit information and another person receives it. You can tell a great deal of accurate information in that short amount of time. It’s not about judging, Navarro says, it’s about interpreting. This all that anyone in the psychic trades pick up on, he said.
“There is no Pinocchio effect.” ~JN
There are just over 20 days left in the US Presidential election season. Take the time to see how coached the candidates and their wives are. Examine their gait, their hand gestures, and their nervous laughter.
From the 2008 Campaigns: